Brook Wingman XE

The Brook Wingman XE can work with the Quadstick in three ways:
  • As an adapter for the PS4 console.  Plug the Quadstick into the input of the XE and the XE into the PS4 console.  A quick and easy to way to use the Quadstick with the PS4 without dealing with the headaches of using the Dual Shock 4 controller for authentication.  Has limited touch pad and motion control support.
  • As an authentication source for the USB-A port on the Quadstick.  Plug an XE into the USB-A port and it will provide authentication data for the PS4 connection.  The Quadstick has full touchpad and motion control support when used in this manner.
  • As an adapter to the USB-A port on the Quadstick for any of the 125+ devices that the Wingman XE accepts.
Available on Amazon.