Emulation Preference settingsThere are currently six USB emulation modes:
0. Composite device with a PS3 compatible game controller, mouse, keyboard and flash drive.
1. Dual Shock 3 emulation, with access to Gyroscope and Accelerometer outputs.
2. X306CE compatibility mode. Similar to mode 0, except x360ce lets PC games access the Left and Right Triggers as axes instead of just buttons. Important for racing games.
3. XBox 360 emulation. Works for games that need an XBox 360 controller where x360ce is not an option or convenient
4. PS4 compatible mode. Gives access to Touchpad, Gyro and Accelerometers outputs.
5. Nintendo Switch. Works for games that do not require motion controls.
The preference variable that controls the emulation mode for a specific game configuration spreadsheet is on a Preferences sheet formatted like this:
![]() The number to the right of “enable_DS3_emulation” controls which emulation mode the Quadstick uses while that game configuration is active.