GamepadThe PS3 Game Controller is designed to be held with both hands, with the thumbs operating two analog joysticks and a set of four buttons on each side. In addition, there are a pair of buttons for the index fingers and another pair of pull triggers for the middle fingers. Three buttons in the middle section are less frequently used during actual game play and serve to control overall operation of the game console. While several of the buttons appear to be simple on/off switches, in comparison to joysticks or triggers which are obviously analog, almost all the buttons measure the pressure too. The X, Circle, Square, Triangle, R1, L1 and the D-Pad buttons all include how hard they are being pressed in the data reported to the console.
The following illustration and table contain the names of the PS3 outputs used in configuring the Quadstick. We break down compound controls, like the D-Pad or thumbsticks into each their individual elements to allow the greatest flexibility in choosing appropriate inputs to control them.
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Table 1: PS3 Output Commands