Settings Three parameters that control the module are adjustable in the Preferences section of the configuration:
• Bluetooth_device_mode (mutually exclusive)
◦ keyboard
◦ game_pad
◦ mouse
◦ combo (keyboard & mouse together)
◦ joystick
◦ ssp (a serial connection used in Voice control & QMP applications)
• Bluetooth_authentication_mode
◦ 0 Bluetooth version 2.0 NO encryption (open mode)
◦ 1 Bluetooth version 2.1 mode
◦ 2 Bluetooth version 2.1 Secure Simple Pairing (SSP),
◦ 4 Bluetooth version 2.0 PIN code authentication (“1234” is the code)
• Bluetooth_connection_mode
◦ slave (needs to be reconnected to host after each restart)
◦ master
◦ trigger
◦ auto master
◦ dtr
◦ any
◦ pair (will automatically reconnect to host)
By default, the Bluetooth module is disabled and powered down when the Device mode is set to “none”. In QMP, the Misc tab contains fields for the three settings:
![]() The connection mode for PCs and Android devices is almost always “pair” and the Auth mode is usually 2 or 4. Try 2 first. If 4 is used, if prompted for a pairing code, use “1234”.
In a Preferences configuration file for non-QMP users, these parameters would be:
The "bluetooth_throttle" parameter controls how often the Quadstick sends mouse or game controller data over the Bluetooth channel. If updates are sent more quickly than the channel can deliver them to the host, the user may experience lag and run-on of the mouse pointer. Increase the interval if this occurs. Also reducing the number of competing Bluetooth devices or separating the Bluetooth radios from any nearby WiFi devices may improve throughput.
When changing the Device mode from one type of device to another, like from mouse to combo, it may be necessary to first un-pair the Quadstick from its host, then re-pair it, before the new device type will be functional.
The Bluetooth mode settings need to take effect upon power up, so they must reside in the prefs.csv file.
The Bluetooth module should be "paired" within 60 seconds after power up. If you are having trouble pairing the Quadstick with a Host, unplug it and plug it in again.