MouseThe Mouse is a simple device compared to the Gamepad but has different movement characteristics that need some explanation: Instead of linearly controlling the position of the screen cursor in direct proportion to the joystick position, for the mouse emulation, the screen cursor is “pushed” around the screen by moving the joystick away from the center position. The farther the joystick is deflected, the faster the cursor moves. Releasing the joystick stops the movement of the cursor and leaves it at its current location. If the mouse operated more like a gamepad joystick, releasing the joystick would return the cursor to the middle of the screen.
The speed at which the cursor moves versus the joystick deflection angle follows a parabolic, linear or mixed curve. For the parabolic curve, the speed is calculated from the Square of the deflection from the center position, not in linear proportion to the deflection. This gives the ability for slow and fine control near the center position but also a smooth transition to fast movement with more deflection.
The parameters controlling the mouse speed, maximum joystick deflection and center dead-zone are adjustable by the user.
![]() When adjusting the speed of the mouse, first adjust the game controller joystick response to your liking, then adjust the mouse speed.
A circular joystick_dead_zone_shape is import for the mouse. This is usually the default setting but if the mouse is used with a square dead-zone shape, it is difficult to slowly move the cursor on a diagonal.
The default response curve is “mixed”: the average between parabolic and linear curves.
In the Quadstick Manager Program, the mouse preferences are on the Miscellaneous tab. There is a slider to control the mouse_speed and settings for the shape of the center dead-zone and the response curve:
![]() ![]() ![]()
Table 2: Mouse Outputs